The personal information you provide will be used to connect you with prospective lenders and providers. Most providers require this information to evaluate your application and ensure you meet their eligibility criteria for their respective programs. Answering the questionnaire to the best of your ability increases your chances of being matched with a provider who aligns with your business needs. We do not guarantee a match to a bank or provider. Your eligibility is solely based on the providers' applicant eligibility criteria. In no way does DC Capital Connector influence your chances of being matched.
Where should we direct those people so this isn't a dead end for them? Maybe an educational partner who can provide classes, etc.? Something to consider because lots of people aren't going to be a good match.
Ask lenders about the appropriate loan for your needs, interest rates, what documents are needed, minimum credit score, cash flow requirements, payback period, and other qualifying factors. Get an understanding of how long the loan process will take from initiation to closing.
Ask surety bonding companies about the rates tied to their premiums. Inquire about policy coverage to make sure that all of your bonding needs are being met.
No, DC Capital Connector does not guarantee that you will be matched or offered a loan or service. We are not a loan or surety bond provider of service. Our platform helps small businesses find lenders and insurance companies in their communities based on the lender's eligibility requirements.
You will receive an email directly from the lender/provider who you were matched with. The provider will contact you within three business days of receiving your application. The lender will provide instructions on the next steps to complete your application with their organization.
- Prepare a business plan for your business. This will help both you and prospective lenders and providers understand your objectives and business model.
- Research matched lenders and providers. Make sure you are fully educated on what their applicant requirements are to ensure you are a good fit.
- Have a full understanding of what your business needs are before you apply. Many providers will require a detailed description of how you will apply their resources to your business. Having your business needs outlined for providers gets you one step closer to getting approved for a product or service.
- Start compiling all your financial, bank and IRS Tax Return statements. All providers require some type of historical financial data to evaluate your application. Having these documents ready in advance will expedite your application process. A spreadsheet for your financial statements will be helpful to illustrate projected revenue, expenses, and possibly cash-flow statements.
- Be prepared both in writing and in-person to explain in details how your business model works. Providers will want a clear understanding on how you generate revenue and plan on repaying loans. This should be outlined in explicit detail in your business plan.
- Be confident! You are on the right track to growing your business.